27th Nov 2023
Outsource to external service providers through IT outsourcing

Outsource to external service providers through IT outsourcing

IT outsourcing is a process, where companies or organizations outsource their IT tasks to external service providers. This can include a variety of IT tasks, such as the development of software, the management of networks, maintaining hardware and supporting end users. There are many reasons, why companies consider IT outsourcing. horak. LAWYERS/ LAWYERS / PATENT ATTORNEYS Just give us a call. We are happy to help. One of the main reasons is cost savings. By outsourcing IT tasks, companies can reduce the costs of hiring and training IT staff. In addition, they can benefit from economies of scale, that arise through collaboration with an IT service provider. Another advantage of IT outsourcing....

01st Mar 2021
The use of the image of a prominent person on the Internet as a “Clickbait” violates the right to one's own image

The use of the image of a prominent person on the Internet as a “Clickbait” violates the right to one's own image

b) The use of the image of a prominent person on the Internet as a “Clickbait” (“Click queues”) without editorial reference to this intervenes in the property-law allocation content of your right to your own image. c) A celebrity doesn't have to accept, that your portrait is used by the press free of charge to advertise editorial contributions, that do not concern them. Urteil BGH I ZR 120/19 – Clickbaiting KUG § 22 Set 1, § 23 Abs. 1 No.. 1, Abs. 2; BGB § 812 Abs. 1 Set 1 Fall 2, § 818 Abs. 2; ZPO § 538 Abs. 2 Set 1 No.. 4

24th Aug,en 2017
Die dynamische IP-Adresse stellt für den Anbieter der IP-Adresse ein personenbezogenes Datum dar

Die dynamische IP-Adresse stellt für den Anbieter der IP-Adresse ein personenbezogenes Datum dar

a) Die dynamische IP-Adresse, die von einem Anbieter von Online-Mediendiensten beim Zugriff einer Person auf eine Internetseite, die dieser Anbieter allgemein zu-gänglich macht, gespeichert wird, stellt für den Anbieter ein personenbezogenes Datum im Sinne des § 12 Abs. 1 and 2 TMG in Verbindung mit § 3 Abs. 1 BDSG dar (Fortführung von EuGH NJW 2016, 3579). b) § 15 Abs. 1 TMG ist entsprechend Art. 7 BUCHST. f der Richtlinie 95/46 EG dahin auszulegen, dass ein Anbieter von Online-Mediendiensten personenbezogene Da-ten eines Nutzers dieser Dienste ohne dessen Einwilligung auch über das Ende eines Nutzungsvorgangs hinaus dann erheben und verwenden darf, soweit ihre Erhebung und ihre Verwendung erforderlich sind, um...

03rd Nov 2014
Clause in which the Conditions for transfer of a SIM card “Pledge” in the amount of 29,65 € is charged, which is retained, if the customer does not return the card within three weeks following the expiry or termination of customer relationship in perfect condition, is ineffective.

Clause in which the Conditions for transfer of a SIM card “Pledge” in the amount of 29,65 € is charged, which is retained, if the customer does not return the card within three weeks following the expiry or termination of customer relationship in perfect condition, is ineffective.

a) The clause in terms and conditions of a mobile operator, after one for transfer of SIM card “Pledge” in the amount of 29,65 € is charged, as the “Liquidated damages” will be retained, fails to return so-far the customer the card within three weeks following the expiry or termination of customer relationship in perfect condition, is ineffective. b) The clause in terms and conditions of a mobile operator, after for sending an invoice in paper form (in addition to providing an Internet Customer Portal) a separate fee accrues, is in any case ineffective, if the supplier sells the product not only of the Internet. BGH JUDGMENT III ZR 32/14 from 9. October 2014

05th Jun 2013
Shall submit to the Federal Court of Justice of the European Union prior to the rights issue of admissibility framing – Youtube promotional film about water filtration systems “The reality”

Shall submit to the Federal Court of Justice of the European Union prior to the rights issue of admissibility framing – Youtube promotional film about water filtration systems “The reality”

Press release of the Federal Court No.. 090/2013 from 16.05.2013 Shall submit to the Federal Court of Justice of the European Union to the question of the admissibility of copyright “Framing” our There u.a. I responsible for copyright. Civil Senate of the Bundesgerichtshof has referred the matter to the Court of Justice of the European Union, whether the operator of a website penalized for an infringement of copyright, if he copyrighted content, which are publicly available on other websites, by means of “Framing” integrates into its own website. The applicant, manufactures and sells water filtration systems, made for advertising purposes a about two minutes long film entitled “The reality” manufacture, which deals with water pollution. It is the proprietor of the exclusive utilization rights to this film. The film was –...