07th May 2024
Data protection in online trading

Data protection in online trading

It's crucial, that users’ personal data is protected, to protect their privacy. Many online retailers therefore rely on encryption technologies and strict security measures, to protect their customers’ data. Still, it's important to note, that absolute security cannot be guaranteed. It is also the responsibility of the users, to protect your data carefully, by using strong passwords and being careful with your personal information. Data protection in online trading is an extremely important issue. Lawyer Dipl.-Ing. Michael Horak, LL.M. Privacy policies should be transparent and provide users with clear information about them, how your data is used. It is also important, that users have control over their....

26th Oct 2023
What regulation for artificial intelligence is the EU planning??

What regulation for artificial intelligence is the EU planning??

The European Commission has a white paper on artificial intelligence (Of) published. This white paper provides a comprehensive strategy and proposal for regulating AI in the European Union. Key elements of the White Paper included:: Classification of AI systems: The white paper proposed classifying AI systems into different categories, based on their risk level. This involved high-risk AI systems (with. B. autonomous driving, Healthcare) and lower risk for AI systems (with. B. Chatbots) differentiated. Regulation of high-risk AI systems: Stricter regulatory requirements have been proposed for high-risk AI systems, including certification requirements, transparency- and documentation requirements as well as clear regulations for monitoring and testing these systems. Data access and data provision: The white paper also emphasized fair access to data and....

10th Feb 2017
Die Umgehung einer Schutzvorkehrung (WoW) kann wettbewerbswidrig sein

Die Umgehung einer Schutzvorkehrung (WoW) kann wettbewerbswidrig sein

a) Der lauterkeitsrechtliche Schutz eines durch Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen ausgestalteten Ge-chäftsmodells vor gezielter Behinderung im Sinne von § 4 No.. 4 UWG durch Missachtung der Geschäfts-bedingungen setzt grundsätzlich voraus, dass die missachteten Geschäftsbedingungen in die Verträge des Verwenders einbezogen werden und der Inhaltskontrolle standhalten. This also applies, wenn der Hersteller, Vertreiber oder Veranstalter eines Spiels in seinen Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen die Spielregeln niedergelegt hat. Er verdient den lauterkeitsrechtlichen Schutz vor einer gezielten Behinderung durch einen Verstoß gegen die Spielregeln nur, wenn diese Spielregeln rechtlich verbindlich sind (Fortfüh-rung von BGH, Judgment of 30. April 2014 – I ZR 224/12, Wheat 2014, 785 Rn. 32 = WRP 2014, 839 – Flugvermittlung im Internet)....

09th Dec 2013
The IT contract in legal practice

The IT contract in legal practice

IT contracts must be designed subject-specific, to ensure a legally sound imaging of the underlying IT project. Here, the subject matter of the main contract plays a central role; it's about the software, Hardware, Databases, IT Systeme und / oder TK-Systeme, or concrete sub-areas. Individual IT contracts / large projects This begins with individual software or individual projects with the planning- and design phase, in the preparation of specifications and requirement specifications decisive course for avoiding a definitive rift between IT vendors and IT and contracting is to ensure. After creating and decrease the IT project is – provided that the IT project does not fail prematurely – then maintained the software usually and therefore accompanied by a Wartungs-/Service-/Pflegevertrag, an escrow Vetrag on the deposit of source code ...