03rd Jan 2022
E-mail advertisements represent persistent and undesirable addressing of the users of the e-mail services

E-mail advertisements represent persistent and undesirable addressing of the users of the e-mail services

1. Art. 13 Abs. 1 Directive 2002/58 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12. July 2002 on the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in electronic communication (Privacy policy for electronic communications) in the by Directive 2009/136 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25. November 2009 the amended version is to be interpreted accordingly, that the display of advertising messages in the inbox of a user of an e-mail service in a form, which is similar to that of an actual email, and in the same place as such an email, a "use of ... electronic mail for the purposes of direct mail" within the meaning of this provision, without determining the recipient of these messages ...

01st Nov 2017
Instagram advertising links images without identification,,de,that it so far is advertising,,de,are anticompetitive and violate § 5a Abs,,de,The defendant violates the put online images,,de,in which products of industrial enterprises are provided with a link to their home page and the adjacent text without identification,,de,of § 5a Abs,,de,Afterwards acting unfairly,,de,who makes the commercial purpose of any business activity not identified,,de,provided that it does not result from the context,,de,and the non-marked making is suitable,,de,Such a concealment of advertising is at the Instagram blog,,de,to lead the Defendant,,de,to accept,,de,A non TextMaker aware of the commercial purpose exists,,de, dass es sich insoweit um Werbung handelt, sind wettbewerbswidrig und verstossen gegen § 5a Abs. 6 UWG

Instagram advertising links images without identification,,de,that it so far is advertising,,de,are anticompetitive and violate § 5a Abs,,de,The defendant violates the put online images,,de,in which products of industrial enterprises are provided with a link to their home page and the adjacent text without identification,,de,of § 5a Abs,,de,Afterwards acting unfairly,,de,who makes the commercial purpose of any business activity not identified,,de,provided that it does not result from the context,,de,and the non-marked making is suitable,,de,Such a concealment of advertising is at the Instagram blog,,de,to lead the Defendant,,de,to accept,,de,A non TextMaker aware of the commercial purpose exists,,de, dass es sich insoweit um Werbung handelt, sind wettbewerbswidrig und verstossen gegen § 5a Abs. 6 UWG

Die Verfügungsbeklagte verstößt mit den ins Netz gestellten Bildern, bei denen Produkte gewerblicher Unternehmen mit einem Link zu deren Homepage versehen sind und dem danebenstehenden Text ohne Kenntlichmachung, dass es sich insoweit um Werbung handelt, gegen § 5a Abs. 6 UWG. Danach handelt unlauter, wer den kommerziellen Zweck einer geschäftlichen Handlung nicht kenntlich macht, sofern sich dieser nicht unmittelbar aus den Umständen ergibt, und das Nichtkenntlichmachen geeignet ist, to cause the consumer to take a transactional decision, he would not have taken otherwise. Eine derartige Verschleierung der Werbung ist bei dem Instagram-blog, den die Verfügungsbeklagte führt, anzunehmen. Ein Nichtkenntlichmachen des kommerziellen Zwecks liegt vor, wenn das äußere Erscheinungsbild der geschäftlichen Handlung...

10th Feb 2017
Die Umgehung einer Schutzvorkehrung (WoW) kann wettbewerbswidrig sein

Die Umgehung einer Schutzvorkehrung (WoW) kann wettbewerbswidrig sein

a) Der lauterkeitsrechtliche Schutz eines durch Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen ausgestalteten Ge-chäftsmodells vor gezielter Behinderung im Sinne von § 4 No.. 4 UWG durch Missachtung der Geschäfts-bedingungen setzt grundsätzlich voraus, dass die missachteten Geschäftsbedingungen in die Verträge des Verwenders einbezogen werden und der Inhaltskontrolle standhalten. This also applies, wenn der Hersteller, Vertreiber oder Veranstalter eines Spiels in seinen Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen die Spielregeln niedergelegt hat. Er verdient den lauterkeitsrechtlichen Schutz vor einer gezielten Behinderung durch einen Verstoß gegen die Spielregeln nur, wenn diese Spielregeln rechtlich verbindlich sind (Fortfüh-rung von BGH, Judgment of 30. April 2014 – I ZR 224/12, Wheat 2014, 785 Rn. 32 = WRP 2014, 839 – Flugvermittlung im Internet)....

17th May 2016
Ein Wettbewerbsverband kann auch die Anwaltskosten einer anwaltlichen Abmahnung beanspruchen und nicht nur die Verwaltungspauschale

Ein Wettbewerbsverband kann auch die Anwaltskosten einer anwaltlichen Abmahnung beanspruchen und nicht nur die Verwaltungspauschale

1. The delegation authorized to prosecute breaches of competition law professional association a lawyer with a – objectively justified – Warning, are characterized legal costs only non-refundable, when the Association of the pursuit of competition breaches “the task” has. The latter does not depend solely on, whether the fight against unfair competition is mentioned in the statute as a task of the Association. It is more important, whether the Abmahntätigkeit the Association adopted a scope for a certain duration, in which an economically rational acting federation would hire for reasons of cost to accomplish this task legally trained staff; this is the association, a certain margin of discretion zuzubilligen. 2. When applying under Paragraph 1. dargestellten Grundsätze...

20th Jan 2014
The concept of "transactional decision" covers all decisions, directly associated with the decision to purchase or not purchase a product.

The concept of "transactional decision" covers all decisions, directly associated with the decision to purchase or not purchase a product.

A commercial practice is known as "misleading" within the meaning of Art. 6 Abs. 1 Directive 2005/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11. More 2005 Unfair business practices by companies to consumers in the internal market and amending Council Directive 84/450/EEC, Directives 97/7/EC, 98/27/EC and 2002/65/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Regulation (EG) No.. 2006/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council (Directive on unfair commercial practices) classified, if this practice to a misrepresentation or contains the average consumer is likely to deceive and are apt to, to cause the consumer to take a transactional decision, he would not have taken otherwise. Art. 2 BUCHST. k this ...

04th Dec 2013
IT Law Practice: Internet Law, Online Legal, IT Contract Law, Copyright, Media Law, Trademark, Title protection law, Competition Law, International IT Law, IT tendering law, Press Law, IT-specific criminal law

IT Law Practice: Internet Law, Online Legal, IT Contract Law, Copyright, Media Law, Trademark, Title protection law, Competition Law, International IT Law, IT tendering law, Press Law, IT-specific criminal law

Internet Law, Online Legal: Liability for content on the Internet Online Copyright Specific expressions of opinion on the net, Protection of the privacy, Protection of honor provider contracts, Provider liability warnings and their defense preparation of Terms of Use for Websites liability of forums- and platform operators sharing, illegal downloading of music and movies liability for hyperlinks, Search engines Privacy policy, Creation of data protection declarations domain disputes, Recht der Domains Online-Marketing (Advertising- and marketing contracts) Legal support of internet service providers, Web designers, Media agencies, Operators of online shops websites and eBay stores youth protection on the net e-commerce, E-business IT contract law drafting and negotiating IT contracts (Software development , -surrender, -adaptation, Hardware procurement, Support contracts, System contracts, License agreements, alternatives Lizenzmodelle, Project contracts, Distribution agreements, Employee- and Beraterverterträge) Licensing of software over the Internet APP-related treaties Privacy treaties creating Conditions (also EVB-IT) Providerverträge (Access, Hosting, Housing, ASP)...

05th Jun 2013
Shall submit to the Federal Court of Justice of the European Union prior to the rights issue of admissibility framing – Youtube promotional film about water filtration systems “The reality”

Shall submit to the Federal Court of Justice of the European Union prior to the rights issue of admissibility framing – Youtube promotional film about water filtration systems “The reality”

Press release of the Federal Court No.. 090/2013 from 16.05.2013 Shall submit to the Federal Court of Justice of the European Union to the question of the admissibility of copyright “Framing” our There u.a. I responsible for copyright. Civil Senate of the Bundesgerichtshof has referred the matter to the Court of Justice of the European Union, whether the operator of a website penalized for an infringement of copyright, if he copyrighted content, which are publicly available on other websites, by means of “Framing” integrates into its own website. The applicant, manufactures and sells water filtration systems, made for advertising purposes a about two minutes long film entitled “The reality” manufacture, which deals with water pollution. It is the proprietor of the exclusive utilization rights to this film. The film was –...

04th Jun 2013
Nach § 5a Abs. 3 No.. 2 UWG must be given "the identity and address of the business" – a branch is not enough

Nach § 5a Abs. 3 No.. 2 UWG must be given "the identity and address of the business" – a branch is not enough

The requirement of § 5a Abs. 3 No.. 2 UWG, specify the identity and address of operator, In the entry, the business operated by the branch addresses is not enough. Nach § 5a Abs. 3 No.. 2 UWG must be given "the identity and address of the business". Art. 7 IV lit. b UCP Directive speaks of the "address and the identity of the trader". These rules are intended to ensure, that the consumer is clear and unambiguous information about the underlying, with whom he comes into contact business, so that he can take contact without difficulty and without further investigation effort by providing companies (vgl. OLG, WRP 2011, 1213, 1214, OLG Dusseldorf, Urt. in. 02.10.2012 – I-20 U...

09th May 2013
“Internet radio” anticompetitive, is payable because of the Lifestream GVL tariff

“Internet radio” anticompetitive, is payable because of the Lifestream GVL tariff

The statement brings in the relevant public the impression, that Internet radio operators by virtue of a license from the S… ability to emit and the technical infrastructure of the defendant Internet Radio in Germany, arise without the payment obligations inter alia to the applicant and the position taken by their performers and phonogram producers. In fact, however, leads to internet radio operator in Germany, such a payment obligation under § § 78 Abs. 2 No.. 1, 86 Copyright Act. The question, whether in cross-border issues arising from performance rights are, directed according. Art. 8 VO 864/07 under the law of the country, is sought for the legal (Land protection). The legal protection of the country also determined, welche Handlungen als Verwertungshandlungen unter ein von ihm anerkanntes Schutzrecht fallen...