Data protection in online trading

It's crucial, that users’ personal data is protected, to protect their privacy. Many online retailers therefore rely on encryption technologies and strict security measures, to protect their customers’ data. Still, it's important to note, that absolute security cannot be guaranteed. It is also the responsibility of the users, to protect your data carefully, by using strong passwords and being careful with your personal information.

Data protection in online trading is an extremely important issue.

Lawyer Dipl.-Ing. Michael Horak, LL.M.

Privacy policies should be transparent and provide users with clear information about them, how your data is used. It is also important, dass die Nutzer die Kontrolle über ihre Daten behalten und die Möglichkeit haben, ihre Einwilligung zur Datennutzung zu widerrufen. Insgesamt ist Datenschutz im Online-Handel ein fortlaufender Prozess, der ständige Aufmerksamkeit erfordert, um die Privatsphäre der Nutzer zu schützen.

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